Resources For Healing
The Modalities at the Foundation of My Healing Practice
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing is a trauma resolution process developed by Peter Levine, PhD. It focuses on the body’s natural ability to recover from the effects of traumatic experiences and stress disorders, helping the system to integrate, heal, and move forward.
This gentle healing process is the result of a multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics. I became a Certified SE Practitioner in 2013 and worked as a training assistant for five years in this truly amazing approach to restoring calm to an over-stressed system.
Restorative Yoga
We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely get sufficient profound rest. Restorative yoga poses help us learn to relax and rest deeply and completely. Deep relaxation benefits all the organ systems of the body, and can reduce blood pressure while strengthening the immune function. Through a series of simple, gentle poses, are bodies are led to let go and relax in a whole new way.
As a certified Advanced Rest and Renew Restorative Yoga teacher, I incorporate these poses in my yoga classes, workshops, and in personal sessions.
Martha Beck
The Martha Beck system of coaching is beautifully simple -- clear away the obstacles that are blocking your best self. We add nothing, we simply subtract what isn’t working. The essential self that remains is far more sophisticated, intelligent, and beautiful than anything we could dream up.
My training with Martha Beck initiated me into a powerful tribe of coaches and healers. I was certified in 2015 and have experienced the profound life-shift that can happen with the support of an inspired life coaching process.
The 4-Dimensional Wheel
Dr. Gina Ogden developed the 4-Dimensional Wheel after seeking a template that could hold the totality of the experience of being human. The 4- D Wheel’s four quadrants honors that our experience is much more than just physical—it is multi-dimensional: encompassing body, mind, heart, and spirit.
I trained with Gina in 2015, and while her work is primarily focused on sex and sexuality, I use it with my clients working with issues around money, chronic pain/health issues, relationships, self care and more. This powerful tool is useful for all aspects of personal growth. Moving around the Wheel, we tease apart the issue and questions to fully understand where you are and what your next steps can be.
Gateless Writing
The magic of Gateless Writing awaits to support you. Suzanne Kingsbury is an author and writing coach who has uncovered the radical idea that if you support people in their body, mind and heart, they can access a deep well of creativity -- the power of this is both liberating and transformative.
Gateless Writing is a method of teaching the art and craft of writing using creative brain science, ancient non-dual teachings and highly-effective craft tools. As a Certified Gateless Teacher, I can work with you to allow your creative impulses to flourish -- without judgement, without criticism, simply free expression that will amaze you.
Tiny Habits
Create any habit you want in your life using Tiny Habits: A breakthrough method created by Stanford behavior scientist and New York Times best-selling author of Tiny Habits. If you want to make positive changes stick, behavioral analyst BJ Fogg argues, you have to think small. Want to get in shape? Start with two pushups a day. Want to become more mindful? Take a yoga breath every time you close your car door. These “tiny habits” set the bar low, which means it’s easier to incorporate them into your existing routine. Over time, however, they rewire your brain and make virtuous habits as automatic as brewing a cup of coffee in the morning
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching tools are memorable, unprecedented, and can apply not only to creative pursuit such as art, music, and writing, but to any aspect of life where a creative approach can make a profound difference in reaching an objective.
This creativity coaching model takes into account the dynamics of how humans approach the creative process: Our tendency to forget what works, doubt ourselves, fail to finish projects, compare ourselves to others, and give-up when it's not perfect. KMCC fosters “awareness” as a powerful tool in and of itself, and a non-linear, unique approach that helps individuals use existing strengths in combination with intuition, acceptance, in-session experiences, packaged creativity "tools" and upgraded common sense.
What is Somatic Experiencing?
Integrating a broad scientific understanding of how animals and human beings respond to overwhelmingly stressful circumstances, Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) is an innovative and highly effective approach to preventing and healing the consequences of emotional and physical trauma.
The result of over forty years of observation, research, and hands-on development by Dr. Peter Levine, SE® recognizes that trauma isn’t just restricted to catastrophic events but can be the product of an accumulative effect from other more “ordinary” events such as falls, accidents, and invasive medical procedures. A single brief exposure to an overwhelming event can throw a normally functioning individual into an abyss of emotional and physical suffering.
Somatic Experiencing® (SE®) is a clinical methodology based upon an appreciation of why animals in the wild are not traumatized by routine threats to their lives while humans, on the other hand, are readily overwhelmed and traumatized. Fortunately, the very same instincts (and related survival-based brain systems) that are involved in the formation of trauma symptoms can be enlisted in the transformation and healing of trauma. Therapeutically, this “instinct to heal” and self-regulate is engaged through the awareness of body sensations that contradict those of paralysis and helplessness, and which restore resilience, equilibrium and wholeness.
An SE® practitioner employs awareness of body sensation to help individuals "renegotiate" and heal rather than re-live or re-enact trauma. SE's guidance of the bodily "felt sense" allows the highly aroused survival energies to be safely experienced and gradually discharged. SE® “titrates” experience (breaks down into small, incremental steps), rather than evoking catharsis, which can overwhelm the regulatory mechanisms of the organism. (Source: SE Website)
Thank you for diving this far into my website! I am a lifelong learner of good ideas that support our healing and well-being. I trained in all these modalities because they answered a persistent question and need I had for myself and my clients. Depending upon you and what you are looking for, together we will reach into this collection of resources to support your body, mind, heart, and soul in its healing journey.