I offer workshops and retreats in collaboration with a wide range of practitioners, from physical therapists to financial managers to social workers.
Let’s work together to bring restorative yoga and the concepts of somatic awareness to your existing clients and wider network. Get in touch to learn more about working together to create a new . . . .
Upcoming Workshops and Opportunities
Grief Tending Ritual
Sunday, April 3rd from 4-6pm PST.
Join Sage Wheeler and Andrea Manning in an opportunity to explore the role of grief. We meet on Zoom for two hours of poetry, ritual, journal writing, sharing (in small groups), meditation, movement, and deep listening; all flowing with the waves of what feels right to you. This is not therapy or coaching. It is an ancient practice that allows for us to see and feel seen in what speaks deepest in our hearts.
We are living in a time of so much loss. Loss of the way life once was, loss of loved ones, loss of physical connection, chapters ending. And the layers of grief continue with the ending of relationships, health struggles, income disruptions, a devastating sense of loneliness or a longing to be alone, systemic racism and inequality, or the ongoing destruction of our natural world.
What do we do with all this sorrow? Traditional cultures know the healing powers of allowing grief to flow. That tending to our grief regularly and in community allows for vitality and resiliency in ourselves, our communities, and the world. And when done so in the presence of others, we feel the sacred container holding us, making it safe for us to express our deepest pains.
Join us as we develop a capacity to bear witness to the grief of others while befriending our own sorrows to make room for more joy and hope.